Look around your neighborhood. How many new roofs do you see? Over the last few years thousands of homeowners have filed claims with their insurance companies for hail or wind damage. However, just because a few of your neighbors have had roofs awarded does not mean your claim is a guaranteed new roof.
You first need to choose a well respected and established local roofing company to inspect your roof for damage. Alpha Omega Construction will climb your roof and will go through a detailed checklist designed to match the same criteria used by all national insurance companies. We will also take pictures of all damaged areas.
If damage has been discovered on your roof, it is recommended that you make a claim.
It is best to contact your insurance company directly and not your local agent. Your insurance company has a group of storm adjusters that they will assign to evaluate your roof. In this case, your agent will only serve as a middleman and could slow down the process.
Your insurance company will set a day and time for your inspection. It is important that you have chosen a reputable roofing company to represent you at this meeting. Alpha Omega Construction has found through our years of experience that a high percentage of claims are denied without having a representative with roofing knowledge onsite to help make sure your roof is given a full and fair inspection. We have found that experience levels of adjusters vary greatly and many times mistakes are made on the scope of work which leads to a payment being too low. However, at the end of the day, the insurance adjuster does have the final decision on whether or not a roof is partially or fully awarded.
If awarded, the adjuster measures the roof, and decides what is to be replaced, and according to their insurance rates, determines the price of the roof to be paid. Please keep in mind, the payment amount awarded to you is just an estimate. Alpha Omega Construction is trained in analyzing your insurance paperwork. This free service is designed to make sure the adjuster’s measurements are correct and you are awarded the full amount owned to you. Roof Depot is also able to work directly with your insurance company to retrieve any additional funds missed by the adjuster.
The adjuster has the ability to approve or deny a hail/wind damage claim. However you have a few rights that you need to be aware of before the process begins.
1.) You are allowed to have a roofing contractor represent you at the adjuster meeting. Few homeowners have ever been on their roof and do not have experience with hail/wind damage.
2.) If the roof is awarded you are allowed to select the company to install your roof. Your insurance company cannot force you to use a contractor you do not know and/or trust.
3.) If your claim is denied, you have a right to appeal for issues such as: the adjuster’s failure to inspect the entire roof, inspecting the roof without you or the roofing contractor being present or you simply do not agree with the findings of your adjuster.
Before you call your insurance company, take the time upfront to do your research on which roofing contractor is the best match to represent you during the claims process and more importantly will install your roof correctly if your claim is awarded.
Selecting your roofing company at the beginning of your claim process will save you time and frustration. Alpha Omega Construction will take care of all of the details while making sure your interests are fully represented.
After the inspection a trained representative will contact you to discuss our findings and will work with you to decide if a claim should be filed.